Learning to Fly in London

What prompts your desire to take to the skies? Perhaps you’re inspired by an acquaintance who flies and seems to revel in each airborne moment. Maybe frequent journeys across the UK and Europe for business or leisure purposes have sparked your interest, as piloting your flights could present numerous advantages. Or, perchance, it’s the lure of the boundless azure, a romantic allure of emulating the birds, dancing and swooping in three dimensions?

Regardless of the motivation, your initial step should be experiencing the thrill of piloting a light aircraft firsthand to ascertain your genuine enjoyment. Engage in a trial flight (also known as a ‘flight experience’) at a local airfield, an opportunity readily offered by all flying schools and clubs. The more prominent clubs provide diverse aerial experiences, from operating a modest four-seat tourer like a Cessna 172 or Piper PA-28 to manoeuvring an aerobatic specialist Pitts biplane.

Learn to fly

What’s the Next Step?

Once you’ve enjoyed your trial flight and feel primed to commence Private Pilot License (PPL) training, what’s next? If your ambition is to transform this newfound passion into a professional career as an airline pilot, you must first ensure you’re medically fit. Our feature on becoming a commercial pilot can provide valuable insights.

However, if you aim to take to the skies as a private pilot, the first determinant is the kind of licence you intend to secure. You’ll need to select an appropriate airfield and flight school.

We’ve prepared a series of articles to help you on your way:

Ready to take to the sky?

Ground School

PPL and LAPL Ground School in London

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LAPL to PPL Conversion Course

LAPL to PPL Conversion Course in London

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Flight Training

Private Pilot Licence (PPL) in London

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Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL)

Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) in London

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Instrument Rating

Instrument Rating (Restricted) (IR(R)) in London

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Night Rating

Night Rating in London

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