Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) in London

LAPL Flight Training

The LAPL, or Light Aircraft Pilot Licence, is a new type of UK-only pilot licence specific to the operation of small aircraft that is extremely cost-effective.

It is a great option for those who may not be able to get a full Class 2 Medical Certificate or just want to engage in leisure flights within the UK.

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Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL)

The Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) is a more attainable non-commercial pilot licence option compared to the Private Pilot Licence (PPL).

It is also an incredible option for pilots who want to eventually attain a PPL; upgrading from the LAPL to the PPL only requires 10 hours of extra flight time.

The LAPL was originally aimed at aspiring pilots who may not be able to pass a Class 2 Medical exam, similar to its predecessor, the National Pilot’s Licence (NPPL).

However, it has gained immense popularity among people who are willing to accept certain restrictions on their flying capabilities.

Although easier than other pilot licences, obtaining a LAPL can still be a challenging and exciting experience which involves a combination of hands-on flight training and learning some theories.

Our LAPL training program takes place at the London Elstree Aerodrome and is open to anyone without requiring any prior experience or qualifications.

It is a great option for anyone who is new to flying and wants to learn in London. With this licence, first-time pilots will also be able to bring friends and family members along as passengers.

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The Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) is perfect for individuals who want to be able to take leisure flights but are not willing or unable to undergo extensive flight training.

Furthermore, obtaining the LAPL is possible for aspiring pilots who are not able to attain a full Class 2 Medical Certificate.

And since there are no prerequisites, the LAPL is perfect for complete beginners.

Yes, as a LAPL holder, you can bring passengers along on your flights.

Whether you simply want to go on scenic flights over picturesque landscapes or travel to a specific location, you will be able to bring along friends and family.

Since the LAPL is designed for absolute beginners, there are no prerequisites.

However, to obtain the licence, you must be at least 17 years of age and able to get a valid Part MED LAPL Medical Certificate.

The requirements for the LAPL Medical Certificate are not as restrictive as a Class 2 Medical Certificate.

You can obtain a LAPL Medical Certificate after an assessment either by an Aeromedical Examiner (AME) or, in some cases, your GP.

The LAPL flight training includes 30 hours of flight time and learning theory.

In order to obtain a LAPL successfully, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • 30 hours of flight time
  • LAPL Medical
  • Radiotelephony Practical Test
  • Theory exams
  • Practical Flight Test

Of the required 30 hours of flight time for the LAPL, 6 hours of flight time must be acquired through solo flights. Half of the solo flights must be cross-country flights.

While in the process of obtaining a LAPL, you will need to pass theory tests in the following subjects:

  • Air law
  • Human Performance
  • Navigation
  • Communications
  • Meteorology
  • Aircraft general knowledge
  • Operational procedures
  • Principles of flight
  • Flight performance and planning

The LAPL will enable you to fly small aircraft weighing no more than 2000 kg and with the capacity of carrying a maximum of 3 passengers. These include most two and four-seater aircraft.

While you will be able to obtain a Night Rating, you cannot add an Instrument Rating to your LAPL.

Yes, you can.

Once you have obtained the LAPL and are ready to take the next step, it is quite easy to upgrade to a PPL. You will require 10 hours of extra flight time.

Our flight training centre is located at the London Elstree Aerodrome. This means that all of our LAPL flight training takes place in London.

The London Elstree Aerodrome is not only a great place to learn how to fly, but it is also easily accessible by car, train, or tube for those living in the city.

Additionally, it is within the M25 for those coming from outside of London.

We attract students from all over for our LAPL training, and we are confident you will appreciate the quality of our facilities and amenities.

When you are not in the air, you can take a break at our on-site café, explore the aviation shop, or admire the various planes that come and go from the aerodrome.

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